Extraordinary maintenance of the Lower Secondary Schools of the City of Turin

CITTA’ DI TORINO              

Extraordinary maintenance Year 2002/2013

Scuola Media PEROTTI, via Tofane 22
Scuola Media KING, via Germonio 12
Scuola Media VIVALDI,  via Borgaro
Scuola Media NOSENGO, via Lanzo
Scuola Media VIAN, via Stampini 25
Scuola Media SCOTELLARO, via Casteldelfino 24
Scuola Medio OLIVETTI, via Bardassano 5
Scuola Media NIEVO, via Mentana
Scuola Media MATTEOTTI, c.so Sicilia
Scuola Media POLA, v.  Lucento
Scuola Media CENA, st. S. Mauro 24

Between 2000 and 2010, our company has worked in many secondary schools throughout the city, following bids for tender aimed at bringing all systems up to regulation standards in order to obtain fire prevention certification.

All the buildings are built on several floors above ground, and have basically the same architectural system: floor: basement for archives and in some cases areas for sports activities; ground floor: areas for administration, presidency and classrooms: upper levels: classrooms and technical rooms.

These interventions had an unusual aspect – they were carried out on a functioning school, so particular attention was necessary to satisfy the needs dictated by the directors of the various structures. The presence of the students requires particular attention to be paid while works are being undertaken.

Fire prevention systems were set up in each building, particularly in the realisation of water basins. As the project required, the basins were created in various types of materials. New stairways and ramps were built for new emergency exits in all buildings. The emergency stairways and filters in each building have been compartmentalised.




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