Medieval Village
Location: TurinClient: City of TurinYear: 2022 – ongoing The restoration works are part of the broader restoration project for the arrangement of the roofs and
Location: TurinClient: City of TurinYear: 2022 – ongoing The restoration works are part of the broader restoration project for the arrangement of the roofs and
Place: TorinoClient: Società Santa Maria 25 s.r.l.Year: 2017 The project envisages all the demolition works and structural operations required for the restoration and repair of the
Place: TurinClient: S.C.R. PiedmontDuration: 2016 – underway The intervention incudes the construction of special electrical systems and mechanical fire prevention systems to protect the museum’s
Location: Bard (AO)Client: Finbard spaYear: 2006 The Bard’s Fort was founded as a medieval Castle to control the main roads of the San Bernard and
Location: TorinoClient: Ministro della Difesa 1° Reparto infrastruttureYears: 2013/2014 The IV Novembre Building subject to intervention, as part of the complex of the Morelli
Location: TorinoClient: Città di Torino settore Edifici per la CulturaYear: 2005 Preservative restoration and plant engineering adaptation of the room of the senate and the
Location: TorinoClient: Città di Torino settore Edifici per la CulturaYear: 2015 Piazza Castello has always been the beating heart of the city and here are
Location: TorinoClient: Città di Torino settore Edifici per la CulturaYear: 2015 In general, the intervention regards the renovation and the extraordinary maintenance of the buildings
Location: TorinoClient: Università degli Studi di TorinoYear: 2008 The Royal Botanical Garden of Turin was established in 1729 by Vittorio Amedeo II to cultivate, study
Il Gruppo Tecnoimprese s.r.l. è un’azienda dinamica che opera nel settore dell’edilizia generale e dell’impiantistica.
P.IVA 02295610014
REA 547232
Cap. Soc. 100.000 Euro
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