Rossini Boules Club
Location: TorinoYear: 1988 Works to construct an indoor BOULES CLUB with playing field at the “ROSSINI” BOULES CLUB
Location: TorinoYear: 1988 Works to construct an indoor BOULES CLUB with playing field at the “ROSSINI” BOULES CLUB
Location: Castiglione Torinese (TO)Year: 1993 Renovation works on a portion of the former COTTOLENGO creating homes for the elderly.
Location: Torino e provinciaYear: 1990 Public lighting works in various roads in Turin, San Mauro, Gassino and Rivoli, including digging works for the construction of
Location: Moncalieri (TO)Year: 1989 Renovation of the pre-existing Villa Franel in Moncalieri for a Residence for the Disabled.
Location: TorinoYears: 1986/1987 Complete renovations of the facade of the building on Corso Agnelli 81-83-85 and Via San Marino 41 Turin.
Location: Torino Complete renovation works on the facade facing onto the road and courtyard of the building on Via Arnaldo Da Brescia 17 and 19.
Il Gruppo Tecnoimprese s.r.l. è un’azienda dinamica che opera nel settore dell’edilizia generale e dell’impiantistica.
P.IVA 02295610014
REA 547232
Cap. Soc. 100.000 Euro
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